My time is devoted to the dogs, dog boarding/sitting, dog shows and puppy raising.  I have always loved animals and I’m committed to their welfare.  Growing up with all kinds of animals, I was captivated by breeding and raising up new life.   As a child I raised rats, mice, and hamsters.  When I got older, I bred and raised ferrets. 

     In my early college days, I was at one time a past member of PETA – but not anymore since their agenda has changed. When I became pregnant with my daughter, I quit my job to stay home so I could raise her up too.  I guess it’s no surprise that I’m a dog breeder now, raising puppies is one of my jobs that allows me to stay home and it’s something I love to do, I can not describe the wonder of watching eyes open to see the world for the very first time, then there are the first steps, the first wag, the first bark, everything is so special. Each milestone so very precious, I do my best to capture that in the pictures.  

When I decided to become a dog breeder I wanted to be the most responsible breeder I could be.  There are already too many irresponsible breeders producing unwanted animals that ultimately end up being put to sleep, I refused to add myself or any puppies that I produced to the problem.  I first joined a breed club and learned everything I could about breeding pure breed dogs in general and cavaliers and cocker spaniels in particular.  I breed for health, temperament, and type in that order. Health is the number one priority for me, what good is it to have a spaniel with an early onset heart murmur and unable to live out a full life? Temperament is second only to health. It’s that wonderful disposition that sets spaniels apart from other breeds. If spaniel lose their temperament, then they will become just another pretty face with a bad attitude.

  Please do your homework first and take time to educate yourself on cavalier or cocker spaniel health, history, temperament, and breed standards, before you decide if its a cavalier or cocker spaniel which isthe right breed for you. Check out my links to learn more. This sweet and sensitive breeds is NOT for every lifestyle. If you have a busy life and are working long hours; I urge you to please, pick another breed and do NOT get a cavalier or cocker spaniel.  Their only wish is to be constantly by your side or in your lap

Pic below of our breeding facility

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